Emma Earley & Co Specialist Nutrition and Dietetics Logo Portrait with tagline

Compassionately delivering innovative and comprehensive nutrition care.

Emma Earley & Co Specialist Nutrition and Dietetics watermelon illustration
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Emma Earley & Co Specialist Nutrition and Dietetics - Emma in a read dress standing in the garden
About Emma

Emma has a diverse background in clinical practice

Emma offers an empathic, compassionate, and supportive approach to help her clients navigate the increasingly overwhelming world of health and nutrition. Over the past 19 years, she has honed the ability to translate complex nutrition information into practical and meaningful advice, inspiring real change in her clients' lives.

A quick note about booking appointments with Emma

To ensure Emma's clients receive high-quality nutrition care that aligns with evidence-based practices and meets their individualised needs, we limit the number of available client spaces at any given time.

The availability of new client spaces is variable and ongoing throughout the year. Rest assured that you will be promptly contacted once your request has been triaged.

For any new inquiries or medical referrals, please contact us via email.

Emma Earley’s Areas of Speciality

This is just a small range of what Emma can help you with.

Wholefood Blending

Wholefood blending turns nutritious foods into a smooth puree, delivered via feeding tube for those who can't meet their nutritional needs orally.

Babies & Children

Emma can help support the nutritional well-being of your baby and child by providing expert guidance to nourish them, ensuring optimal growth and development.

Food Allergy & Intolerance

Emma can assist you in managing your food allergies and intolerances, creating a well-balanced diet that carefully avoids trigger foods, ensuring your dietary choices accommodate your lifestyle.

Optimised Nutrition for The Healthy

Optimised nutrition can enhance overall health and well-being by providing essential nutrients that support bodily functions, energy levels, and immune system function.

Disordered Eating & Feeding Problems

When a person undergoes a loss of joy or faces challenges in maintaining their ability to eat, various underlying factors need careful consideration.


A healthy, well functioning gut not only ensures physical wellness, it is also crucial for a healthy, happy and resilient mind.

Cairns Speech & Feeding Multidisciplinary Clinic

Emma travels to Cairns several times per year to provide an intensive feeding assessment and therapy programme in collaboration with Kim Berman-Hardman, Speech Pathologist and Owner, of Cairns Speech and Feeding.

Learn more


Initial Consultation
60 mins | $195
Initial Complex Consultation
90 mins | $220
More info
Review Consultation Standard
45 mins | $185
Review Brief
30 mins | $130
Review Consultation Complex
45 mins + team liason/administration | $185
NDIS rate: $193.99/hour
(Rate set by NDIS)
More info
Please see service and late cancellation policy here.
Please note that it is assumed that you agree to the service policy when confirming your appointment.
All private health funds and Medicare referrals accepted.

For guidance and more information, please get in touch