Disordered Eating & Feeding Problems
When a person undergoes a loss of joy or faces challenges in maintaining their ability to eat, various underlying factors need careful consideration.
What is classified as disordered eating?
Emma can confidently help you to navigate the ‘rough seas’ of:
- Anorexia nervosa
- Bulimia nervosa
- Avoidant restrictive food intake disorder (ARFID)
- Eating Disorder Not Otherwise Specified (EDNOS)
- Severe fussy eating
- Adult-onset food phobias
- Disordered eating after bariatric surgery
- Poor appetite
- Finding joy and confidence in eating if you are experiencing anxiety and/or depression, Obsessive Compulsive Disorder, or any other mental health concern'.
Alternatively, Emma can assist you in finding your food ‘mojo’ again……if you lost it somewhere along your travels.
What is classified as a feeding problem?
A feeding problem is any disruption to the dynamic between caregiver and child. This may be related to change in one, both, and/or the feeding environment. Emma has experience across the entire continuum including: feeding from changes to breast or bottle feeding, fussy eating, oral-motor dysfunction, swallowing disorders, development of food phobias, emetophobia (fear of vomiting), sensory disorders, disability-related feeding disorders and Avoidant Restrictive Food Intake Disorder (ARFID).
Our approach
In previous roles as a Senior Dietitian in both adult and tertiary pediatric hospitals within Queensland Health, Emma has played a pivotal role in experienced multidisciplinary mental health teams.
Additionally, throughout her 19 years in private practice Emma has experienced and adapted other models of care to her work. She, therefore, has considerable experience with supporting individuals and families with disordered eating and feeding problems via clear communication and participation with multidisciplinary teams. Emma takes a holistic and personal approach to her care in this space, and where appropriate, adapts supports for family/friends and loved ones.
At your initial consultation Emma will discuss the appropriate appointment interval with you. This is to ensure you are provided with the opportunity to develop trust and rapport with Emma, and provide the necessary information to ensure Emma’s understanding of your experience and development of the most caring and effective plan for you, or your loved one. Due to the extensive and detailed nature of this work Emma can only see a limited number of clients with various disordered eating/feeding presentations at any one time.
Emma prefers to work closely with any member of your healthcare team, such as medical and mental health practitioners, speech pathologists, occupational therapists, art/music therapists and physiotherapists.
Emma can provide support (depending upon workload) in her consultation rooms in Coorparoo, via home visits or meal support sessions.